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Four additional Digital Public Spaces (DPS) have been certified

Digital Public Spaces (DPS), are open to people who have difficulty with the Internet and mobile applications.

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In 2019, the Brussels-Capital Region introduced a label "DPS recognised by the Brussels-Capital Region". This label is a guarantee of quality and recognition for DPS's that meet certain criteria: access to the general public, number of opening hours, number of hours of training, presence of a qualified facilitator, etc.

At the end of March, Paradigm labelled 4 new DPS's:

The DPS CybeRogier
The DPS of Watermael-Boitsfort
NéVé AnderTech
DPS of Phare

Through communication campaigns (such as the 2021 campaign "Now he/she knows!") or the Digital Inclusion Directory [External linkfr/External linknl], Paradigm intends to reinforce the visibility of the labelled DPS's and their actions.

Here is the complete list of labelled DPS's in the Brussels Region:

The DPS of l’ARC, the DPS of the bibliothèque des Riches-Claires, the DPS of Bravvo, the Espace Public Numérique Mobile, the DPS of la bibliothèque de Laeken, the Wijkpartenriaat De Schakel, the DPS 1030, Bibliothèque communale francophone d’Ixelles, the Atelier du web, the Entrela, DPS Scheut, DPS des Goujons, the Open Atelier 110 in Anderlecht and in Molenbeek, the Study Kids Support Asbl, the DPS of Koekelberg (Koekeltech), the DPS of FQS (Forest-Quartier-Santé), the DPS of Ganshoren, the DPS Bibliothèque Jette, the DPS of Uccle, the Wolu Cyber Cité, the DPS Sapiens, the DPS CybeRogier, the DPS of Watermael-Boitsfort, NéVé AnderTech, the DPS of Phare.