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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Minister for Social Cohesion

As part of my responsibilities at the French Community Commission (Cocof), I implemented the decree on Social Cohesion.

Through subsidised activities, this decree advocates acting and living together in an inter- and multicultural urban context. Now anchored in an accreditation policy, partner associations are recognised and stabilised for 5 renewable years.

Since January 1st 2024, more than 200 associations are be accredited to carry out their activities in the following areas

  • support for schooling
  • learning French as a foreign language and literacy training
  • organising social and legal services and citizenship initiation activities for new migrants
  • and support for initiatives aimed at producing and disseminating culture in the neighbourhoods, in partnership with the public.

Thanks to the resources devoted to this policy, more than 500 full-time equivalents work on a daily basis for all the people of Brussels, with particular attention paid to those who are most disadvantaged from a socio-economic point of view or in a situation of exclusion.

Through my actions, I have been keen to continue to support innovative projects that give impetus and enable operators to retain their creativity.

Similarly, to support the professionalisation of the various players involved, the entire sector is now supported by three regional support centres for social cohesion policies, support for operators active in homework schools and, finally, in learning French as a foreign language and literacy.

For the programme as a whole, €22,100,0000 has been committed to implementing these initiatives for the benefit of the residents of our neighbourhoods.