Submit a complaint: Paradigm
Paradigm makes every effort to provide its services to citizens, institutions and businesses in an optimal manner. If you have any comments regarding any of our services, we would like to hear them. You will thus contribute to its improvement.
Help with a technical problem
Have a technical problem? For any questions or problems relating to a Paradigm product or service, contact the IRISline helpdesk.
- Phone: 02/801.00.00
- E-mail:
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., every working day.
Suggest an improvement
Do you have a suggestion for improvement? Contact our communications department.
Submit a complaint
You may file a complaint about how a Paradigm administrative department or anyone working under its authority acted toward you in a specific matter.
In order to be considered admissible, your complaint must meet the following conditions:
- the complaint concerns the provision of Paradigm's administrative services (and does not concern the technical services of the Center);
- the complaint concerns a recent incident (6 months maximum);
- you have personally been confronted with poor performance by Paradigm's administrative service (and not someone else) and your complaint has not been previously handled by the Complaints Department.
You must provide us with your identity (name and address) so that we can respond to you.
You will be notified within 10 days whether or not your complaint meets the admissibility conditions. We will seek a solution with the department concerned and take the necessary measures to ensure that the incident does not happen again. We will notify you by registered mail of the action taken no later than 60 days after submitting your complaint.
Submit your complaint via External linkIRISbox, the electronic counter for the Brussels-Capital Region, or by contacting us using the following contact details.
Contact us
Paradigm – Complaints Department
Avenue des Arts, 211000 Brussels
- Tel: +32 (0)2 282 47 70