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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Mediator of the Region

Are you encountering a difficulty with a Brussels administration? You can contact Ombuds Brussels, the independent institution for mediation between the population and administrations.

The missions of Ombuds Brussels

  • Ombuds Brussels handles complaints from people, businesses or associations against regional and municipal administrations in Brussels (except the STIB and the municipalities and CPAS which have their own ombuds service).
  • Ombuds Brussels attempts to reconcile your point of view and that of the administration and conducts investigations to identify the cause of complaints.

Example of difficulty

  • the proposed procedure seems too complex to you
  • the information you received is not clear
  • the administration takes too long to respond to you
  • any other type of difficulty

Conditions for contacting Ombuds Brussels

Avant de contacter Ombuds Bruxelles, contactez toujours l’administration concernée par votre plainte pour essayer de régler le problème directement avec elle.

Find out how to contact the “complaints” services of the regional administrations.

If this did not work, contact Ombuds Brussels: