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FixMyStreet - Report incidents in the open space

The internet and mobile platform FixMyStreet allows the public and the authorities to report incidents in the Brussels public space (lighting, marking, street furniture, signing, damage, uncleanliness, etc.) and monitor each step in the incident resolution process.

A Brussels Mobility initiative

External linkFixMyStreet was developed by Paradigm at the initiative of Brussels Mobility.  The public can report an incident on the public highway via the platform or mobile application by specifying the nature of the incident from among these categories: road, public cleanliness, planting, signage, lighting, street furniture, monument or abandoned vehicle.

Collaboration with regional players, including Bruxelles Propreté

External linkFixMyStreet was developed in collaboration with the Brussels municipalities and partner institutions. They are all involved in the project and in the resolution of reported incidents. Road problems are dealt with by Brussels Mobility, illegal dumping by Bruxelles Propreté, public lighting problems by Sibelga, etc. External linkFixMyStreet has developed and made available a number of features to facilitate and accelerate exchanges of information between these organisations and with the public.

Follow the evolution of an incident involving public cleanliness, public lighting or an abandoned vehicle

When reporting an incident involving public cleanliness, public lighting, an abandoned vehicle or any other problem, the citizen can choose whether or not to provide their contact information. If they choose to provide them, they will receive an email informing them of the follow-up and status of their complaint. If applicable, they can monitor the resolution of the incident by visiting the FixMyStreet platform. In fact, all reported incidents and their status are made public for all users. A search can be made via the report number or the incident status. 

FixMyStreet is available free of charge from the External linkApple Store and External linkGoogle Play. An internet version of the application can also be used at External

Since its launch in 2013, more than 380,000 incidents have already been reported, with a record 8,473 more reports in May 2022. The main theme of all these reports remains "public cleanliness", within which illegal dumping is clearly the major concern.