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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Complaints Department

The Brussels Regional Public Service does everything in its power to provide its services to citizens, organizations and businesses in an optimal manner. If you have any comments or feedback regarding any of our services, we would be happy to hear them. You will thus contribute to the improvement of our services.

The Brussels Regional Public Service does everything in its power to provide its services to citizens, organizations and businesses in an optimal manner. However, if you have any comments regarding any of our services, we would be happy to hear them. You will thus contribute to the improvement of our services.

Thanks for your feedback

You can send your complaints about the services of the BRPS to the Complaints Department, using the contact details below. A complaint is considered admissible if the following four conditions are met:

  • the complaint concerns the provision of services by the Brussels Regional Public Service and its administrations;
  • the complaint concerns a recent incident (dating back to a maximum of 6 months);
  • you have been personally confronted with poor performance of our services (and not a third party) and your complaint has never been dealt with before by the Complaints Department;
  • It is essential to give us your name (anonymous complaints are not taken into consideration) and your contact details so that we can respond to you. So don’t forget to mention them.

Our commitment to improvement

Your feedback allows us to continuously improve our services. We will let you know within 10 days if your complaint meets the above conditions or if we need further information in order to be able to deal with it.

If your complaint meets the conditions, we will seek a solution with the department concerned and measures for improvement. We will notify you of the action taken no later than 60 days after filing your complaint.


Brussels regional public service
Brussels Synergy
Complaints Department – Quality & Performance
Place Saint Lazare/ Sint-Lazarusplein 2
1035 Brussels

Tel.: + 32 (0)2 204 21 11
You have the possibility to complete the online complaint form via Opens in new windowIRISbox.