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Discover the necessary steps to file a complaint with an institution in the Brussels-Capital Region. The list below includes only the administrations of the Brussels-Capital Region. Can't find the relevant administration for your situation? Please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, get in touch if you notice any errors or omissions in this list.

Whatever the level of authority, government bodies play a vital role in many aspects of our daily lives. In most cases, these interactions with government agencies go smoothly. However, disputes or disagreements can arise between citizens and government bodies.

In case of a disagreement with a governmental administration, it is possible to file a complaint or dispute with the relevant administration.

To find out how to file a complaint or dispute with a government agency, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Identify the relevant administration. First, identify the administration with which you have a dispute. Make sure you contact the right entity to address your complaint.
  2. Contact by email or phone. Once you have identified the administration in question, you can then submit your complaint by sending a detailed email or by calling the appropriate department. Be sure to provide all relevant information regarding your dispute.
  3. Await a response. The administration should review your complaint and attempt to resolve it satisfactorily. This may take some time depending on the complexity of the issue.
  4. If the complaint is not resolved. If, after contacting the administration, your complaint is not resolved satisfactorily or if you receive no response, there are usually additional avenues available. One of these options may be to contact the Regional Ombudsman.

  • Are you encountering a difficulty with a Brussels administration? You can contact Ombuds Brussels, the independent...

Assistance, Health, Social

Contact us

Rue de Ligne, 40
1000 Bruxelles

Contact us

SIAMU (Firefighting and Emergency Medical Service)

Avenue de l'Héliport, 15
1000 Brussels

Urban development

  • Regional Development Commission

    02 435 43 56

    Rue de Namur 59 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • SAU (Urban Development Company)

    02 899 38 00

    Rue Brederode 9 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail


  • Brupartners

    02 205 68 68

    Boulevard Bisschoffsheim 26 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Brussels Finances and Budget (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Finance&

    02 548 22 11

    Rue aux Laines 70 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Innoviris

    02 600 50 36

    Chaussée de Charleroi 112 1060 Brussels

  • Brussels Economy and Work (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail

Education and formation

  • ERAP (Regional School of Public Administration of the Brussels-Capital Region)

    02 512 06 02

    Rue Capitaine Crespel 35 1050 Brussels

    Contact via mail


  • Brussels Economy and Work (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail

    02 435 15 55

    Boulevard Emile Jacqmain 20 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail

Environment & waste management

  • Brussels Environment

    02 775 75 75

    Tour & Taxis, Avenue du Port 86C 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Propreté.Brussels

    0800 981 81

    Avenue de Broqueville 12 1150 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Hydria

    02 505 47 10

    Boulevard de l’Impératrice 17 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail

Information technology & digitization


    02 475 20 00

    Rue Jules Cockx 6 1160 Brussels


    02 422 00 20

    Chaussée de Charleroi 110 1060 Brussels

    Contact via mail


Contact us

Société du Logement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (SLRB)

Avenue de la Toisor D'Or, 72
1060 Brussels

*The SLRB's internal complaints department is not responsible for complaints concerning the decisions and operation of SISPs. For this, in accordance with article 76 of the Brussels Housing Code, you must follow a specific procedure.

  • Brussels Housing (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail

    02 422 50 78

    Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 20 1000 Brussel

    Contact via mail


  • Brussels Mobility (SPRB)

    0800 94 001

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Port of Brussels

    02 420 67 00

    Place des Armateurs 6 1000 Brussels

    Contact via mail

Local authorities & external relations

  • Brussels Local Authorities (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Brussels Synergy (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail
  • Brussels International (SPRB)

    + 32 (0)2 204 21 11

    Place Saint-Lazare 2 1035 Brussels

    Contact via mail