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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Artistic activities

Take the opportunity to get your hands dirty and give free reign to your creative side. Brussels is home to many artistic schools and clubs. Let your inner artist out, learn an instrument or work on your stagecraft: there are so many possibilities!


Virtually every Brussels commune has its own art or music academy (part-time art education). They offer a host of courses in every artistic discipline as well as music, word and dance, for children, teenagers and adults. Depending on where they get their funding, the working language of these academies is either French or Dutch.

For French speakers

For Dutch speakers

The Flemish Community Commission’s website publishes a External linklist of academies teaching in Dutch (NL) and a External linklist of music, word and dance academies teaching in Dutch in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Other schools, courses and artistic projects

There are also a lot of artistic courses to choose from in Brussels. Various sociocultural organisations, open universities and adult education bodies will be able to guide you through the world of art and production in the widest sense. Private schools complete the offering.

  • If you are interested in formalising your skills in the creative arts (photography, graphic design, web design, arts and crafts), see the Education and Training pages.

For French speakers

For Dutch speakers

Many of the cultural centres in Brussels also run cultural and creative courses.

Still lacking inspiration?
