LGBTQIA+ Brussels
Brussels is Belgium’s LGBTQIA+ capital. All the main hangouts are in the centre of the city, just behind the town hall. The Brussels tourist office has devoted several pages on its website to LGBT visitors, including an interactive map.
Rainbow Brussels
Same-sex marriage and adoption are legal in Belgium. That goes some way to explaining why gays and lesbians like living in Brussels. LGBT establishments in the city are easy to find, because they display a rainbow sticker or flag.

The External linkRainbow House is a café and information centre for questions about sexuality and gender and a favourite hangout for most Brussels LGBT organisations. External linkTels Quels (FR) also has a café/meeting space and a social service in Brussels.
LGBT festivals & parties
- External linkBelgian Pride is held in Brussels every May, preceded by a rainbow week or followed by a range of activities and events.
- Brussels also plays host to several LGBT film festivals.
- The Gay & Lesbian Festival of Belgium takes place every year in January/February.
- The External linkMassimadi LGBT film festival of African origin takes place in May.
- External linkPink Screens is held in the autumn.
- Sport it up! You can also join a External linkLGBT sports club to meet people like you while staying in trim.
- In the section 'External linkGay' of you will find a survey of the LGBT life in Brussels.
Who to contact
Contact us
Maison Arc-en-Ciel de Bruxelles
Rue du Marché au Charbon, 421000 Brussels
- Phone: +32 (0)2 503 59 90
Contact us
Tels Quels
Rue du Marché au Charbon, 811000 Brussels
- Phone: +32 (0)2 512 45 87