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Brussels for young people

Brussels caters to every taste and every age. Including the young. Explore the cool side of Brussels. Keep on reading to find out more.

A trip to Brussels presents a general survey of what young visitors can External linksee and External linkdo in Brussels.

If you have a visit to Brussels planned, USE-IT is a great source of online tips, with External linkspecially tailored tourist information for young visitors and an alternative city map. Check it out!

Several organisations look forward to showing you another side to Brussels:

Living in Brussels

There’s plenty for young people to do in the Brussels-Capital Region. Every commune has its own youth service and youth advisers, who organise a wide range of activities.

The External linkService de la Jeunesse de la Communauté française (FR) (for French speakers) and the External linkJeugddienst van de Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie (NL) (for Dutch speakers) can answer any questions relating to young people.

External is an initiative of the youth service of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC). The website gives an overview (by theme or location) of the Dutch-speaking leisure activities for young people in Brussels.

The website of ideji asbl, External linkLe Kid (FR), provides the list of all workshops for children aged 2 to 18 years old.

The cultural centres also run activities at a low price or free of charge.

Or you can join one of the many youth clubs or organisations in Brussels.

For more information, visit the youth movements and clubs page on this portal.

Reductions are always welcome

Brussels doesn’t have to be beyond your budget. A lot of activities are free – check out the pages "Brussels for free".

Brimming with energy?

There are plenty of opportunities to expend some of it in Brussels. Check out the Sports pages for more details.

Who to contact

Contact us

USE-IT Brussels - Tourist info for young people

Quai à la Houille, 9B
1000 Brussels logo