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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

By motorbike, car or car share

Like other major capitals, Brussels is not the ideal place to get around by car. The traffic is heavy, especially during rush hour when it might sometimes be quicker to walk... Driving the car is not recommended from an environmental perspective either. Sometimes, however, it cannot be avoided.

Taking account of this reality, the Brussels-Capital Region authorities operate at two levels. First, they support alternatives to private cars, by encouraging car share schemes. Second, they ensure cars are safe and users receive correct information about the road network. External linkBruxelles Mobilité publishes a large quantity of information online, including real-time traffic information, so that drivers can plan their journey around any jams, accidents and roadworks. This website also has information on speed cameras on Brussels roads.

Car parks

For comprehensive information on External linkparking, public car parks and park-and-ride sites in Brussels (FR/NL), see the website of, the agency for parking.

Car shares: a car when you need it

Car share is the economical and ecological car solution when you don't need a car all the time. It can be used in combination with public transport like the train.

Some car share services allow you to share a daily ride from home to work or school with neighbours, colleagues or schoolmates... or anyone else you care to.

The website of Bruxelles Mobilité provides more information on External linkcar share (FR/NL).

  • If you have any questions about street parking in the Brussels-Capital region, contact the commune in which the street is situated.
  • The External linkBruxell’Air scheme (FR/NL) offers a host of incentives if you are thinking about doing without your car and deregistering your number plate, including a free Cambio or MTB (metro, tram, bus) season ticket for the Brussels-Capital Region.
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