Free ways to include environment in your daily life
There are numerous organizations and activities dedicated to promoting a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.
Bond Beter Leefmilieu
Some activities are free, such as the conferences on the environment and mushroom hunting. In Dutch.
Online: Opens in new windowwww.bondbeterleefmilieu
Berchem-Sainte-Agathe commune has its own composting site with two kitchen garden plots (rue du Broek 53). Composting experts are on hand to give you plenty of good advice. In French and in Dutch.
asbl Worms regularly organises free composting and vermicomposting courses for private citizens. In French and Dutch.
Organic Gardens
Non-profit organisations regularly run free organic gardening courses. In French and in Dutch.
- ASBL Tournesol-Zonnebloem
Online: Opens in new
Collective gardens and kitchen gardens
Collective and kitchen gardens are maintained by groups of volunteer residents-gardeners. They also play host to workshops and conferences open to all.
The full list of collective gardens and kitchen gardens is published at Opens in new
Open days in the commune's green spaces
The City of Brussels opens its green spaces to the general public with story trails in the parks, guided tours on the theme of biodiversity, and more. In French and in Dutch.
You can also access area normally closed to the public, such as the commune's greenhouses and tree nurseries.Email:
Online: Opens in new Commune's greenhouses at 411 Boulevard Lambermont are opened to the general public once a year. It's a great opportunity to take an exceptional guided tour of the greenhouses, organic garden and kitchen garden.
Online: Opens in new
Josaphat Park welcome center
Josaphat Park welcome center runs guided tours, story trails, and visits to the kitchen garden and vineyards in association with various organisations. In French and Dutch. The activity calendar is published on the website and the Facebook page of the center.
Online: Opens in new