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Labour laws

Labour laws contain numerous rules and arrangements that employees and employers are subject to.

Employers with employees working on Belgian territory must observe the working, pay and employment conditions provided for by law. Opens in new windowAll labour legislation applicable in Belgium (FR/NL) is published on the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue’s website (in French and Dutch).

The fundamental provisions concern:

  • Working and rest hours: how the work is organised, such as normal maximum hours, overtime and work at night and on Sundays and public holidays
  • Minimum wage: minimum hourly rates as laid down in collective bargaining agreements and made compulsory by Royal Decree
  • Temporary work: the rules governing temporary work and when it is permitted
  • Employee leasing: the rules governing the leasing of employees to users
  • Equal treatment: the principle of non-discrimination, especially between men and women
  • Protection of children
  • Health, safety and security at work
  • Protection of pregnant women
  • Scope of some social documents

Internal Prevention and Protection at Work Service

Every employer must establish an Internal Prevention and Protection at Work Section (French acronym: SIPPT), which helps apply measures designed to ensure employee well-being.

For more information, contact the Direction régionale du Contrôle du Bien-être au Travail (regional well-being at work inspectorate): 

Contact us

Regional well-being at work inspectorate - Brussels branch

Rue Ernest Blérot, 1
1070 Brussels