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Working with public institutions

Public institutions must follow certain supplier selection procedures. This is what is called "public procurement contract adjudication procedures".

Being a public authorities' supplier

Public procurement contracts may constitute a major source of business for your company. A public institution has very varied needs: works, goods or services. The adjudicating authority announces the contract by referring to the criteria with which tenders must comply.
On the Belgian federal portal, you will find further information about Opens in new windowpublic procurement contracts (FR/NL).

Where to find the adjudications?

Public procurement contract advertisements are posted on the official websites of adjudicating authorities. Some examples:

Public procurement online

In Belgium, public authorities (on a federal, regional or local level) use the Opens in new windowe-Procurement platform to publish their public procurement contracts.

This platform, which is free to use by public buyers and enterprises, enables public contracts to be published and consulted online, and electronic tenders/applications to be submitted and opened.

There are many advantages to publishing and managing public procurement contracts online:

  • Administrative simplification
  • Savings (paper, transport, etc.)
  • Transparency
  • Improved access for SMEs.

In the frame of the Opens in new windowregional circular of October 2017 (FR/NL), Brussels regional administrations and institutions publish their contracts over €30,000 excl. VAT on e-Procurement and must accept tenders in electronic format via e-Tendering from this limit.

How to register?

To benefit from access to the different e-Procurement modules, you must register on the online platform Opens in new

User manuals for enterprises

Several explanatory Opens in new windowmanuals for the different e-Procurement modules are available online.


The e-Procurement federal helpdesk provides frontline support for using e-Procurement and is available every working day from 8.30 am to 12 pm and from 1.15 pm to 4.30 pm.

The helpdesk does not provide legal or technical support.