Taking your retirement
Contact us
Service fédéral des Pensions
Tour du Midi, Esplanade de l'Europe , 11060 Brussels
- Free number (in Belgium): 1765
In the event of problems:
If you experience a problem with your pension, are in dispute with or have a complaint against a service, you can contact the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman, which has been established to give all citizens objective support with regard to pensions.
Visit Opens in new windowwww.mediateurpensions.be/en/index.htm for more information
Early retirement
Some private sector workers can take early retirement.
For Opens in new windowmore information on early retirement (FR/NL), contact the National Employment Agency (Onem).
Full-time workers who have reached a certain age can go part-time and take part-time early retirement.
Life goes on
Life goes on after your retirement of course. Some people even get a new lease of life. For suggestions on how to spend your time, see the Brussels for senior citizens pages elsewhere on this website. See our Health & Safety pages for more practical information for senior citizens.
Contact us
Service fédéral des Pensions
Tour du Midi, Esplanade de l'Europe , 11060 Brussels
- Free number (in Belgium): 1765
Contact us
Institut national d'assurances sociales pour travailleurs indépendants (INASTI)
Boulevard de Waterloo, 771000 Brussels
- Phone: +32 (0)2 546 44 24
- Or: +32 (0)2 546 44 27
Contact us
National Employment Agency (ONEM) - Brussels branch
Place Marcel Broodthaers, 41060 Brussels
- Phone: +32 (0)2 542 16 11