In Belgium, 1 in 10 adults struggles with reading, writing, and math, especially in cities. Organizations offer courses to support social and job integration.
Organisations involved in literacy issues run courses and are able to issue certificates of attendance and completion. They also help students prepare for exams leading to the CEB diploma, which gives access to secondary education and so also facilitates entry into the job market.
For French speakers
Opens in new window'Lire et Écrire Bruxelles' (FR) is part of the French Community’s 'Lire et Ecrire' continuing education movement. This NPO was recognised by the French Community Commission (COCOF) as a regional centre for developing literacy and learning French for adults on 1 January 2010.
Lire et Écrire Bruxelles works to promote and improve literacy in Brussels and so empower people and drive social change towards more equality. It publishes an Opens in new windowonline directory of providers working to improve literacy in the French language in Brussels (FR).
For Dutch speakers
The Centrum voor Basiseducatie is the Opens in new windowcompetent institution for literacy in Dutch (NL). In Brussels it is represented by Opens in new windowBrusselleer - Centrum Basiseducatie Brussel vzw (NL).