An introduction to secondary and further education
With sciences, maths, languages or literature to choose from, this is not always an easy decision. However, it’s one that has to be made at the beginning of secondary school. As elsewhere, professional bodies and organisations are ready to help in the Brussels-Capital Region.
The Cité des Métiers in Brussels is a space for advice and information, free of charge, and without appointment, at the service of all audiences (schoolchildren, job seekers, employees, etc.) looking for a job, orientation, information on professions, studies and training, the job market, mobility and entrepreneurship.
For French speakers
- An official portal for school guidance in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation is available. Via External, students, parents, teachers and school guidance professionals, both in and out of school, find comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible information. It covers all streams of transitional and qualifying education, as well as vocational training, higher education and professional training.
vocational training, higher education and careers. - The Psycho-Medico-Social (PMS) centres are free-at-source public services that have a high profile in schools. They provide psychological, medical and social support to children throughout their school career. They also provide information and advice to parents and schools.
- The French Community of Belgium’s education portal provides a description of the External linkservices of the PMS centres in the French Community (FR) as well as a External linklist of the PMS centres (FR).
The CEDIEP is the 'Centre de Documentation et d’Information sur les études et les professions' (Centre for Documentation and Information on Studies and Occupations). The CEDIEP provides unbiased and objective information (all networks) for the whole French Community throughout the year (including July and August).
For information, contact:
Avenue d'Hougoumontl, 5, 1180 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 649 14 18
Fax: +32 (0)2 649 14 18
Website: External (FR)The SIEP, Service d’Information sur les Études et les Professions (Information Service on Studies and Occupations), is a non-profit organisation recognised as Youth Organisation and Federation of Information Centres by the French Community Wallonia-Brussels and supported by the Walloon and Brussels Regions. It is a source of information and advice on training and careers for young people. The SIEP hosts an annual Studies and Occupations Fair for young people and parents in the large Belgian cities, including Brussels.
More information:
SIEP Antenne de Bruxelles
Rue de la Poste, 109-111, 1030 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 640 08 32
Fax: +32 (0)2 646 80 08
Website: External (FR)
For Dutch speakers
- The 'Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding' (CLB, Centres for School Student Guidance) provides External linkinformation, assistance and guidance to school students, parents and teachers (NL). Every CLB has its own multidisciplinary team (doctors, social workers, educationalists, psychologists) to follow the students throughout their school career. The contact details of the CLBs are listed on the Flemish Community Commission’s website.
- The External linkFlemish Community’s education portal provides detailed information on the CLBs, as well as a list of education orientation services in Dutch.
Plenty of practical information is also available from youth clubs in Brussels. Most of them are listed on our dedicated youth club page in the "Living in Brussels" section.