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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Distance learning

Sometimes, distance learning is the only or the preferable option. So what opportunities are there in the Brussels-Capital Region?

In Belgium, like other forms of education distance learning is the competence of the French and Flemish Communities. You can contact the following bodies, depending on your study language.

For French speakers

  • If you or someone you are close to isn’t or wasn’t able to complete their regular schooling, the External linkEnseignement à distance in the French Community (FR) of Belgium runs courses in the most varied fields for both adults and children. It also helps you prepare for exams (through the French Community examining board), reintegrate into society or simply improve your knowledge and skills.
  • An active social and school life for long-term ill children
    Children who have taken ill or suffered an accident are often unable to attend classes for an extended period of time. The non-profit organisation External linkTake Off (FR) enables those children to resume their lessons from home or from the hospital as well as stay in touch with their teachers and classmates.

For Dutch speakers