Disabled people face many challenges: support, housing, transport, education… In Belgium, their policy falls under multiple levels of authority.
Information for disabled persons
- Opens in new windowwww.handicap.brusselsis the most comprehensive information portal on the assistance and service range in Brussels for persons with disabilities. It is aimed primarily at persons with disabilities and their families, and the information is classified according to their needs: financial assistance, healthcare, housing, transportation, education, employment, leisure, etc. For each topic, all the services are listed, regardless of the organising authority or entity.
- Contact: info@handicap.brussels
- Online: Opens in new windowwww.handicap.brussels
- The Federal Public Service Social Security’s Disabled Persons Directorate General (Direction générale Personnes handicapées) is mainly responsible for the award of allowances and benefits to disabled adults. It also issues certificates asserting their rights to social and tax benefits.
- Centre administratif Botanique
Finance Tower
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 - b. 150, 1000 Brussels - Call Center: 0800 987 99
- Contact: Opens in new windowhandicap.belgium.be/fr/contact/formulaire-de-contact.htm (FR/NL)
- Online: Opens in new windowhandicap.belgium.be (FR/NL)
- Centre administratif Botanique
- On the website of the Common Community Commission you can find the Opens in new windowassistance services for disabled persons (reception, accommodation, ...) in Brussels (FR/NL).
For French speakers
- The Brussels Phare (Personne Handicapée Autonomie Recherchée) service is a directorate of the French Community Commission. It provides information, orientation, help and support to disabled people in the Brussels-Capital Region.
Who is Phare for? Anyone under 65 years old living in the Brussels-Capital Region with a disability resulting in reduced physical capacity of at least 30% or reduced mental capacity of at least 20%.
Rue des Palais 42, 1030 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 800 82 03
Email: info@phare-irisnet.be
Online: Opens in new windowwww.phare.irisnet.be (FR)
For Dutch speakers
- The 'Brussels Regionaal Overleg Gehandicaptenzorg' (BROG) is a consultation and collaboration agency working in the field of disability care.
The BROG is part of the non-profit association Kenniscenrtrum W(elzijn) W(onen) Z(org), which aims for better welfare, new forms of housing and affordable care for all Brussels citizens, especially for vulnerable people.
Rue de Laeken 76 - b. 2, 1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 414 15 85
Online: Opens in new windowwww.kenniscentrumwwz.be/personen-met-een-handicap-en-inclusie (NL) - Brussels Aanmeldingspunt voor Personen met een Handicap is the contact point for the Dutch-speaking disabled persons in Brussels.
Rue Royale 294, 1210 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 201 76 43
Email: info@brap.be
Online: Opens in new windowwww.brap.be (NL) - Kind & Gezin devotes a section on its website to Opens in new windowsupport and care for disabled children (NL).
- Vlaams Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap (Flemish Agency for Disabled Persons)
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 37, 1030 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 225 84 11
Email: informatie@vaph.be
Online: External linkwww.vaph.be
The section devoted to people with reduced mobility contains comprehensive information on getting around in Brussels.
'Social Brussels'
Information on Opens in new windowsocial and health services in Brussels (FR/NL) presented in the form of an interactive map of the Brussels-Capital Region in French and Dutch is just a few clicks away. A rich source of information for disabled people.
“If you want my space, take my disability too”
Almost all car parks of public and private buildings now have reserved spaces for people with reduced mobility. Only people with a Opens in new windowdisabled person’s parking card (FR/NL) are permitted to use these spaces. The card is available from the Federal Public Service Social Security, Disabled Persons Directorate General.