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European policy on economy, work and inclusion

The Regional Government and communities want to contribute to the European policy on the economy, work and inclusion. This is why the Brussels Government is developing a coordination mechanism to ensure consistency between the Go4Brussels 2030 Strategy and European policy on the economy, work and inclusion. (Objective 2.8_Region and Communities)

See the full Go4Brussels 2030 strategy

The Brussels Government will work out a coordination mechanism to ensure consistency between the Go4Brussels 2030 strategy and European policies on the economy, employment and inclusion.

Such coordination should aim to better integrate and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the European structural funds, and more specifically the ERDF and ESF(+), in supporting Brussels regional policy initiatives by incorporating EU objectives and recommendations.

To properly coordinate the various European funds and financial instruments and derive maximum benefit from them while aligning and linking them to the Go4Brussels Strategy, a common Brussels strategy will be drawn up and there will be stronger coordination between the bodies responsible for the use of these funds.

This coordination will also make it possible to provide an optimal response to European questions, in particular within the framework of the European Semester and the drafting of the National Reform Programme (NRP). A clear link will be established between the implementation of the objectives of the Go4Brussels Strategy and the annual Brussels contribution to the NRP, in which the Region and the community commissions will work together. Finally, this should allow Brussels initiatives to be better presented to the European Commission.

Who is leading the effort?

Consulted priority

  • Initiating minister(s): Prime Minister; Minister of Employment and Vocational Training; Secretary of State for International Relations 

  • Associate Minister(s): the full Regional Government, the United College and the Colleges of COCOF and the FCC.

  • Partners: Brussels International/EFRO; BISA/; Brupartners and all boards and public utility institutions.

  • Steering Committee: Brussels International/EFRO; BISA/; concerned boards and public utility institutions.

1. Drawing up an intra-Brussels partnership agreement for the Structural Funds

In line with the content of the Strategy 2030, this agreement will define the main lines of the Brussels Region's investment strategy for the structural funds (ERDF and ESF), as well as the associated follow-up mechanisms. 

Leading authority: Minister-President

2. Coordinate Brussels contributions to European or international reporting exercises

Coordinate Brussels contributions to European or international reporting exercises.

Prepare coherent Brussels contributions to mandatory reporting exercises (European Semester, OECD, IMF, etc.).

Contributions to the European Semester and to the National Reform Programme will be specifically coordinated with

The Prime Minister's Office provides coordination, the other Ministers and Secretaries of State of the BHR make contributions (with the support of their functional boards) related to their respective competencies.

Leading authority: Prime Minister; Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage, European and International Relations, Foreign Trade and Firefighting and Emergency Medical Assistance.

3. Steering the alignment of European funds and financial instruments

Strategic steering of the alignment of European funds and financial instruments.

Creation of a strategic committee tasked with aligning European funds and financial instruments to derive maximum benefit from them, integrate them into and link them to the various policy initiatives implemented by the Region, Communities and local authorities on the Brussels territory (Brussels International, BISA,,, competent cabinets, etc.).

Leading authority: Prime Minister; Secretary of State for Urbanism and Heritage, European and International Relations, Foreign Trade and Firefighting and Emergency Medical Assistance.