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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Actively cooperating with other Regions and Communities

In dialogue with the other federated entities, the Brussels Region makes every effort to shape the Brussels Capital Community (objective 2.6_Region and Communities).

The sixth State reform provided for the creation of the Brussels Capital Community. Article 92 bis §7 of the BWHI (Special Act on Institutional Reform), which deals with it, stipulates that the three regions must conclude a cooperation agreement laying down the detailed rules and subject matter of the consultations to be held in the capital community.

The Brussels Region wants to do its utmost to engage in dialogue with the other federated entities to give operational shape to this community. Brussels needs the other regions, just as the other two areas need Brussels. Therefore, each is interested in doing as well as possible with the other. One of the essential challenges for future cooperation between the regions is to jointly support the development of employment and economic activity in the metropolitan area. This must also go hand in hand with improving mobility in that area. Through Strategy 2030, such cooperation could be developed for the urban aspects of the Strategy's objectives. 

Who is leading the effort?

Shared priority

  • Initiating Minister(s): Minister-President
  • Associate Minister(s): Minister of Employment and Vocational Training; Minister of Mobility, Public Works and Road Safety; State Secretary for Economic Transition and Scientific Research; State Secretary for Urbanism and Heritage; Minister-Chair of the French Community Commission); Minister-Chair of the Flemish Community Commission.
  • Partners: see below at strategic initiatives
  • Steering committee: see below, at strategic initiatives

Discover Go4Brussels 2030

    1. Support economic activity in the metropolitan area

    To support economic activity in the metro area to promote quality employment for Brussels residents and create a favourable environment for the retention and creation of businesses: see Objective 1.2_Supporting entrepreneurship: VSBs (Very Small Businesses) and SMBs (Small and Medium-sized Businesses).

    Leading authority: State Secretary for Economic Transition and Scientific Research

    2. Employment and training

    Providing the region's residents, especially jobseekers, the opportunity to acquire the skill level required in the metropolitan labour market: see Objective 2.3_Strengthen worker mobility.

    Leading authority: Minister of Employment and Vocational Trainin

    3. Territorial development

    4. Mobility

    See objective 1.9_Efficient mobility respecting health and quality of life.

    • Developing the Brabant network
    • Developing the Bicycle-GEN
    • The mobility policy in the Brussels periphery and towards Brussels Airport

    Leading authority: Minister for Mobility, Public Works and Road Safety

    5. Education and childcare

    See objective 2.4_Brussels programme for education and childcare.

    Leading authority: Minister-President

    6. Capital Community

    The representatives of the Government will organise consultations with representatives of Brussels employers and trade union organisations on the Capital Community, its creation and its activities.

    Develop a cooperation agreement outlining the main topics to be consulted on by the capital community, mainly related to the economy, employment and mobility.

    Establish the capital community within the strict framework of the special law on institutional reform and bring together its bodies. The elaborated system should have smooth functioning.

    Leading authority: Minister-President