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Minister of Work and Vocational Education

In a rapidly changing city-region, business needs are changing and the crises we are going through are revealing and accelerating these changes. In this context, the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training is leading policies to ensure that the skills, know-how and qualifications of Brussels residents evolve and adapt to the changes underway.

Vocational education as a lever for an effective employment policy

Vocational training improves employability. Adapting training provision to the needs of companies reinforces efficiency. In 2020, the Government of Brussels allocated an additional €3,600,000 to strengthen the training offer in the sectors requested in 2021 and 2022.

How are these means implemented?

  • Brussels Formation opens 500 additional places in the sectors of health, technology industry, digital, digital marketing, management and management, etc.
  • To answer the call of sectors in demand of talent, 20 alternance training classes are created within the EFP, the centre of alternance training of the Brussels-Capital Region.
  • Online training is reinforced for job seekers. 1,000 additional places are opened in 2021. At the end of the training, everyone can benefit from coaching.
  • The effectiveness of vocational training also depends on the expertise of the trainers. This is why Bernard Clerfayt wanted to create FORMAFORM, in partnership with the Walloon Region. A centre dedicated to optimising the expertise of guidance, training, socio-professional integration and skills validation professionals.

We want to go further:

  • The training income will be set up within the constraints of the tax legislation and in order to provide an effective benefit to job-seeking beneficiaries.
  • On-the-job training and alternate training will also be intensified to meet the recruitment difficulties of companies.

The Employment Training Poles (EFP), training closer to sectoral needs

Organised as a public/private partnership, the EFP brings together employment, vocational training and sectoral monitoring activities in one structure. The EFP meets the current and future employment and/or continuing training needs of companies in the sector, and the aspirations of target audiences.

Each PFE offers services such as the identification and validation of skills, awareness of the trades of the sector (showcase of trades), sectoral monitoring, as well as job matching of trainees trained.

Four Employment Training Hubs are operational: Digitalcity for the promotion, training and employment of job seekers and digital workers, Logisticity for the logistics and transport sector, Technicity for the maintenance and acquisition of skills in the technology industries sector and Construcity is the Construction Employment Training Pole.

EFP and support for sectors under stress

EFP has naturally served as a lever to find solutions to talent shortages. Through the round tables organized by the Minister, the actors of employment, vocational training and sectoral organizations have developed targeted action plans for sectors in shortage.

Réforme des aides à l’emploi

L’objectif du Ministre bruxellois de l’Emploi est de réformer les aides à l’emploi pour mieux atteindre les jeunes infra-qualifiés, les travailleurs âgés ou encore les personnes porteuses d’un handicap, et ce en renforçant les mesures qui fonctionnent le mieux.

En ce qui concerne la prime Activa, les employeurs engageant des chercheurs d’emploi âgés de moins de 30 ans infra-qualifiés et ceux âgés d’au moins 57 ans pourront bénéficier d’une allocation plus élevée : 23.400€ étalée sur 36 mois.

Afin d'accroître l’attractivité du Stage First pour les jeunes, la prime versée par l'employeur aux jeunes stagiaires sera augmentée pour passer de 200€/mois à 500€/mois.

Pour soutenir l’emploi des personnes porteuses de handicap, une prime de 5.000€ sera octroyée à l’employeur pour un contrat à minimum mi-temps d’une durée de plus de six mois. La prime devra être dédiée aux dépenses liées à l’intégration du travailleur.

L’emploi des travailleurs les plus âgés sera soutenu en ciblant ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Cet incitant à l’emploi concernera dorénavant les plus de 61 ans dont le revenu brut n’excède pas 8.000 € par trimestre (10.500 € actuellement). Une manière de mieux adapter cette aide à l’emploi à la réalité bruxelloise.