Agreements and decrees
The Brussels Government is required to draw up agreements and decrees setting out the powers of its Ministers and Secretaries of State. You will find below the main texts, classified by legislature.
Legislature 2019-2024
- Ministerial Decree of 22 July 2019 establishing the External linkpowers of the Secretary of State attached to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Finance, the Budget, the Civil Service, the Promotion of Multilingualism and the Image of Brussels
- Ministerial Decree of 22 July 2019 establishing the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Climate Transition, the Environment, Energy and Participatory Democracy
- Ministerial Decree of 22 July 2019 establishing the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Territorial Development and Urban Renewal, Tourism, Promotion of the Image of Brussels and Bicultural Events of Regional Interest
- Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 22 July 2019 establishing the External linkdistribution of powers between the ministers of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region
Statements in PDF
2014-2019 Legislature
- Ministerial Decree of 20 July 2014 laying down the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Employment, the Economy and Fire-fighting and Emergency Medical Aid
- Ministerial Decree of 20 July 2014 establishing the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Public Works and Transport
- Ministerial Decree of 20 July 2014 establishing the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Finance, the Budget, External Relations and Development Cooperation
- Ministerial Decree of 20 July 2014 establishing the External linkpowers of the Deputy Secretary of State to the Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Local Authorities, Territorial Development, Urban Policy, Monuments and Sites, Student Affairs, the Civil Service, Scientific Research and Public Hygiene
- Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 20 July 2014 fixing the External linkdistribution of competences between the ministers of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region
Statements in PDF
- Déclaration de Politique Générale - Parlement bruxellois - Algemene Beleidsverklaring - Brussels Parlement - 18/10/2018(PDF / 392.24 KB)
- Déclaration de politique générale - COCOM - 20/07/2014(PDF / 172.37 KB)
- Déclaration de politique générale du Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale - Algemene Beleidsverklaring van de Regering van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest - 20/70/2014(PDF / 311.5 KB)
- Accord de Gouvernement de la Commission communautaire commune(PDF / 743.79 KB)
- Accord de Gouvernement 2014-2019(PDF / 1.23 MB)
2009-2014 Legislature
- Ministerial Decree of 17 July 2009 establishing the External linkpowers of the Secretary of State attached to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Finance, the Budget and External Relations
- Ministerial Decree of 17 July 2009 establishing the External linkpowers of the Secretary of State attached to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for the Environment, Energy and Water Policy, Urban Renewal, Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical Aid and Housing
- Ministerial Decree of 17 July 2009 establishing the External linkpowers of the Secretary of State attached to the Minister of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Public Works and Transport
- Ministerial Decree of 17 July 2009 establishing the External linkpowers of the Secretary of State attached to the Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region Government responsible for Local Authorities, Town and Country Planning, Monuments and Sites, Public Hygiene and Development Cooperation