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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage


In accordance with the provisions of the "Joint Decree and Ordinance of 16 May 2019 of the Brussels-Capital Region, the Joint Community Commission and the French Community Commission with regard to the publicity of administration in institutions of the Brussels-Capital Region" (French-Dutch), you will find on this page the inventories provided for in Article 6 §1.

  • A description of the competences, organisation and operation of the administrative authority (legal basis, Mission & activities, structure);
  • An inventory of the studies (see documents below) carried out on behalf of the administrative authority in 2023, where these have been completed by an external partner. For each study, the inventory gives the author's identity, i.e. the name of the natural person or legal entity who was tasked with the study, and its cost;
  • An inventory of public procurement contracts concluded in 2023, including the successful tenderer and the amount committed;
  • the list of grants awarded in 2023 (see documents below).
  • Calls for applicants and the conditions for the recruitment, promotion or replacement for all job vacancies, published within seven working days of the decision to recruit, promote or replace and the recruitment, promotion or replacement decision for job vacancies for level A agents, published within seven working days of the decision: since 2023 no recruitment, promotion or replacement has taken place.