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Submit a complaint: Actiris

Are you not satisfied with Actiris services? Submit a complaint to our department.

Actiris does everything possible to offer you optimal service. However, it may happen that you are not satisfied with a response or a decision from one of the Actiris services.

If unfortunately your approach to this service does not result in a satisfactory solution for you, you can contact our complaints department.

What is the Actiris complaints service?

The complaints service is a service to which you can send your complaint relating to Actiris services free of charge.

In the exercise of his function, the complaints manager adopts a position of neutrality and strict impartiality and is bound by professional secrecy.

Who can file a complaint?

Any natural or legal person has the right to lodge a complaint about the way in which an administrative service or any person working under its authority acted towards them in a specific matter.

Any external user of Actiris can therefore submit a complaint, whether they are a job seeker, employer, partner, etc. 

What should a complaint contain?

Complaints, to be admissible, must mention a certain amount of information:

  • Identity of the complainant (name, address)
  • Department or person subject to the complaint
  • Date and signature of the complainant. Digital signatures are accepted
  • Explanation of why the person is submitting the complaint
  • Description of the behavior giving rise to the complaint
  • Date of the facts. You have a period of 6 months from the facts to lodge a complaint

What are the conditions for filing a complaint?

A complaint must also meet the following conditions:

  • It cannot relate to an act which has already been the subject of a complaint handled by the complaints service.
  • A prior approach has been taken with the service against which your complaint is lodged.
  • Your interest must be clearly sufficient: you are directly concerned or you are submitting a complaint as a representative. 
  • complaint must concern subjects which are part of Actiris' missions and skills.

How will your complaint be handled and within what time frame?

You submit your complaint in writing to the complaints department, clearly explaining your problem and your expectations/requests. It is advisable to document the request by attaching to the form the useful documents or supporting documents allowing the analysis of the file.

The complaints department checks the validity of the complaint.

Within 10 days, you receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint and are informed of its admissibility.

The Complaints department has 60 days to provide you with a reasoned response.

What is the difference between a complaint and an appeal?

A complaint is addressed to the same administration which made the contested decision (and which is therefore judge and party here) asking it to reconsider its decision in the light of certain new information. It is handled by the organization’s internal complaints service.

The complaint does not replace an appeal. It does not replace an appeal procedure provided for in a legal framework. It does not suspend the time limits for appeals to the courts and tribunals.

The appeal allows a decision to be challenged and is examined by predefined competent bodies external to the administrative body that made the decision.

Comment puis-je introduire une plainte ?

Download the document below and send it either:

  • By e-mail at
  • By mail at the adress :   

    Service des Plaintes
    Avenue de l'Astronomie 14
    1210 Brussels

Complaint form

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