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Working as a volunteer

Whatever your stage of life, voluntary work is a great way to learn new things, gain experience and feel fulfilled by helping others.

What constitutes voluntary work?

There are a huge number of possibilities when it comes to voluntary work, including social projects, public services, sports clubs, cultural centres, schools. One thing you have to remember is that the organisation must not be a commercial enterprise. You cannot do voluntary work for a private individual or a business.

To inform and protect all parties, the organisation in question must provide sufficient information on its goals, policies and rules. It must have proper insurance for volunteers and inform you of any possibilities to reclaim expenses. The organisation may agree to pay your fixed or actual expenses. If you exceed the maximum allowance for voluntary work you will have to pay tax on what you receive.

Information, assistance and openings

Several coordination bodies are active in the voluntary sector, bringing volunteers and organisations into contact. They also offer assistance and training on voluntary activities and regulations to both parties.

For French speakers

Contact us

Association pour le volontariat

Rue Royale , 11
1000 Brussels

For Dutch speakers

Contact us

Kenniscenrtrum W(elzijn) W(onen) Z(org) - Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk Brussel

Rue de Laeken , 76
1000 Brussels

Contact us

Vacancies for volunteers

Voluntary work and allowances

If you receive an allowance, as a jobseeker, early retiree or as someone entitled to time credit for instance, you must have permission from the ONEM (National Employment Office) before taking a volunteer job. You need to fill out a C45B form, which is available from the ONEM or your payment body (or Opens in new windowdownload forms and certificates from (FR/NL). You must also notify the person handling your application if you receive a CPAS integration income. You can lose your allowance if you do voluntary work without permission.

Voluntary work abroad

You can also do voluntary work abroad. Young people aged up to 30 years old can participate in the European Voluntary Project. If you are interested, contact Opens in new windowBureau International Jeunesse (FR) or Opens in new windowJint (NL). Other specialist websites can also help you with your plans.

In some circumstances, young jobseekers (junior programme) and the over 50s can do voluntary work within the framework of Belgian development cooperation without running the risk of losing any allowances or social rights. For more details, see the Opens in new windowBelgian Development Agency’s website.