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Certificate of restamping of the VIN (vehicle identification number)

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to have the VIN restamped onto the vehicle. If the restamping has not been carried out by the manufacturer, the competent regional authority must certify that the restamp complies with the regulations.

Circumstances requiring the intervention of Brussels Mobility

If the vehicle was produced before 15 June 1968 and:

  • the vehicle manufacturer no longer exists
  • the vehicle has never been registered as an old model in Belgium
  • a green technical inspection certificate with limited validity was issued with the fault: "VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION: VIN: not found or illegible. A complete new inspection to be carried out"

If the vehicle was produced after 15 June 1968 and:

  • a green technical inspection certificate with limited validity was issued with the fault: "VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION: VIN: not found or illegible. A complete new inspection to be carried out"
  • the vehicle manufacturer no longer exists