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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Course to learn foreign languages

Would you like to learn or perfect your Dutch or other languages? Discover what's available for you in Brussels.

Cercle du néerlandais

Are you looking for a job (registred with Actiris) and hired by a new employer through Select Actiris? Then you can use 'langage cheques' to improve your French or Dutch for free.

Online: External (FR/NL)


Job-seekers who are registered with Actiris have free access to this on-line language learning platform.
Courses for all levels in French, Dutch, German and English.

Online: External (FR/NL)

Read, write and speak better Dutch

Course for non-Dutch speakers who want to improve their skills in the language.

Online: External (NL)

Dutch as a second language

All formulas - free and paying - to learn Dutch are listed by the Huis van het Nederlands.

Online: External

Patati Patata

The website Patati lists all the formulas available in Brussels to perfect your Dutch: theatre, conversation groups, reading, etc. These activities are not always for free. More info on their Facebook page.