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Brussels Capital-Region - Homepage

Exhibitions and conferences

Explore a diverse array of engaging and enriching gatherings happening in Brussels, from creative mornings to parenting support, cultural evenings, and thought-provoking conferences.

Creative Mornings Brussels

Monthly mornings meetings on all aspects of creativity.
TWenty minutes of lectures, breakfast and discussion with the speakers.

Online: External (FR)


Monthly meeting for young parents with children from 0 to 6 year. Twice a month, on Saturday morning: drinks and activities for the kids are provided. In Dutch.

GC Elzenhof (Ixelles)
Online: External


Particip'Cafés are organised by the Maison de la Participation in Anderlecht. Information sessions or discussions on miscellaneous topics. Programme on the web site.

Online: External (FR/NL)

De Opvoedingswinkel

De Opvoedingswinkel welcomes anyone who would like advice or has any questions about bringing up children and young people up to 18 years of age. In Dutch.
They have four branches in Brussels:

  • Opvoedingswinkel
    Rue Terre-Neuve 194, 1000 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)483 38 54 17
  • CAW Mozaïk
    Rue Grétry 1, 1000 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 227 02 00
  • Huis der Gezinnen
    Rue des Vétérinaires 20, 1070 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 526 16 30
  • Solidariteit voor het Gezin
    Rue A. et M. Hellinckx 45, 1083 Brussels
    Phone: +32 (0)2 421 79 91

Burning Ice Festival

Annual festival organised by Kaaitheater. Some activities (including lectures, exhobitions, symposiums and performances) are free. See the full agenda on the website.

Online: External

Micro-Evenings & Microboutiek

The Micro Evenings are evenings of discovery highlighting the micro-productions of atypical artists working on the fringe of mainstream culture.
Programme on the website.

Online: External


Besides shows, the KVS regularly organizes conferences (in English, Dutch or French) and exhibitions (Café Congo) with free admission.
All details can be found on the Internet site.

Online: External


Some of the activities (exhibitions, conferences, etc.) are free.
The conferences are generally held in Dutch.

Online: External