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The budget: political priorities in figures

Preparing the budget is an essential act in the life of regional power. It reflects in figures the policy which will be pursued during the coming financial year and the financial means which will be implemented to achieve this.

A budget is more than an estimate of income and expenses. Indeed, it indicates the credits that the Government wishes to use to carry out its policy during the budget year concerned (expenditure budget) as well as their financing (revenue budget). Therefore, the budget is an act with political significance.

Revenues and expenditures relating to each budget year are estimated and authorized by an annual ordinance. The budget year begins on January 1 and ends on the following December 31.

The order containing the budget determines, for a budget year, the nature, amount and origin of revenue and the destination of expenditure, as well as the resulting budgetary and financial balance. The order is based on a defined economic balance, which takes into account the commitments made by the Brussels-Capital Region, as well as the objectives and results of the missions it determines.

The budget provides for and authorizes all operations giving rise to a financial outcome, carried out on own behalf with third parties.
