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Brussels Economy and Employment

As the capital of Europe, Brussels is an essential hub for economic activities and development.

Whether you're exporting products abroad, training employees, obtaining a work permit or authorisation to carry out an activity, Brussels Economy and Employment can advise and support you in your endeavours as a worker or business.

Whether you are self-employed, running an SME or involved in the social economy, the administration grants various aids and subsidies to help you develop your business.

Brussels Economy and Employment is also involved in the food sector via Brucefo, a privileged partner for advice and analysis.

On the economie-emploi.brusselsExternal link website, you will find all the information you need on these subjects and how to apply for aid or authorisation. You will also find detailed contacts (subsidies, business licences, non-European nationals, agri-food, etc.), the administration's organisation chart, some key figures and all the latest news on these subjects in the Brussels-Capital Region.
