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The Government of the Region

The Government of the Region is the executive body of the Brussels-Capital Region.

Composition of the Regional Government

The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region is composed of a Minister-President (French-speaking) and four Ministers (two French-speaking and two Dutch-speaking) elected by the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region.

In addition, on the proposal of the Government, Parliament elected three regional Secretaries of State, one of whom is Dutch-speaking. The latter are not members of the Government, but attend all or some of its meetings. They are deputies to a member of the government who has defined their functions.

The members of the Government are responsible for matters defined by the regional competences: urban development, planning, urban renewal, housing, public works, transport, economic policy, foreign trade, employment, environmental protection, energy, local authorities, scientific research and international relations.

This subsection also covers the main points of External linkagreements and orders and the External linkdecisions of the Council of Ministers of the Government of the Region.

  • Minister-President of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Urban Development and Urban...

  • Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Mobility, Public Works, and Road Safety.

  • Minister of Climate Transition, Environment, Energy, Cleanliness, Participatory Democracy, Health and Social Action of...

  • Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Finance, Budget, Public Service, Promotion of...

  • Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region responsible for Employment and Vocational Training, Digital...

  • Secretary of State for the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing and Equal Opportunities (delegated...

  • Secretary of State of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Economic Transition and Scientific Research...

  • Secretary of State for the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Urban Planning and Heritage, European and...